Saturday, June 11, 2011

Igneous PC Game Download

If you are looking to play interesting but simple 3rd person shooter game then why don’t you try Igneous PC game where starred as a Tottem who is caught in a huge cavern filled with lava and bridges which are meant to destroy gradually. Our mission is to rescue the character and escort it to save place.

Igneous PC Game Download

The game goes bit difficult because the caves is too big and about to collapse, there are many passages which puzzles the entire scare scenario but if you move at high speed by dodging all the lava balls, jumping through bridges might help you to get escaped.

The prison is quite large, so even after leaving the main cavern we will face a wide track where the distance from a tower flamethrower trying to bust and end our flight. The game's graphics are really good and give us a realistic feel pretty impressive.

Igneous PC requirements are not too much; this game can also run in 512 MB of RAM and 1.5GHz processor along with just in built 64 MB video memory.

Click for license free download…

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