Monday, August 16, 2010

Mario Worker - Create Your Own Mario Levels

With a lot of Mario games you can create your own Mario Bros! , create your own levels and conquer with your own challenges. From a simple editor , you place items Mario Bros at a stage set up and fully customized for you. Then , simply save a file and send it to your friends to face that challenge.When you open the Mario Worker You have the option to use it in window screen Full or maximized . To start building a stage must go Edit the option , located on the main menu

The stage editor is basically divided into six parts. In Blocks find parts to put on the stage floor will be used . In other words , the character will walk up those blocks .To place anywhere in the screen, Just select it in the " catalog " and click on one of the empty squares . If you want to delete , you just need to click with right button above the workpiece . Of course it is also possible to place enemies in the stage by clicking the button Buddie 's. In Scenery are items of furniture that adorn the screen and give more personality to the level you're creating , like clouds and plants.

Mark 's is an essential option for the development of your stage. You find , for example , the option to define where the character must start and where to end the phase. You may also place Platforms moving vertical and horizontally. But what is really important, is to use the above Solid all parties to consider is the floor. Otherwise , the character will go through the parties.

Do you remember items like mushrooms , flowers and coins that are found in stages of Mario? All that you find in the Bonus option . Pref 's is the last place where you have to use the editor. Under this option you can choose a name for the stage, defined by gravity (for the jumps higher or lower) , the bottom of the screen and even the background music. When ready , click Save and save the drawing file.

set the stage play
Now that your stage is ready , you can try and see if everything is ok . (In case you need to edit something , go back to Edit, and go to Pref 's and select Load to load and edit your stage). In the startup menu, select Play Level and look for the saved file (if you want to see the stage we create, it is included in the archive , along with the program.) After opening the file, once the game starts and you have three lives to complete the level.

To run down should leave X. To make Mario jump, you press Z. The character movements are normally performed by the arrows on the keyboard. When you finish the stage , Mario Worker automatically returns to screen initial .

Create a scenario (set Phase)
A scenario is a Mario Worker set phase , as if it were really a full game. Therefore, to create a scenario, we need several stages ( at least two) . In the Start menu , choose the Create Scenario. The program will ask how many phases your stage , between 2 and 32. Subsequently, must go selecting the file of each phase of your stage.

Now, even with a full stage , simply select the option Play Scenario, locate the file created by Mario Worker, and fun. Remember that you can change files of stages and scenarios with your friends, so that each has a new game to play.

Size: 12 MB
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
License: Free (free)

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